"It's only green when it's green for all". 
Fiat brings mobility in a bright, colourful, iconic and socially relevant way: our strength lies in our iconic brand, earned through the authenticity and passion of our people. 
This is Fiat's DNA: happily in tune with our times but with a loving gaze towards the future. 
Find out how we intend to pave the way for the New Dolcevitawe all deserve.
I have chosen these QUOTES to suggest a distinctive FIAT TOV that should remain "POP" oriented on Linkedin: let's not forget that it is a platform dedicated to workers. 
FIAT has always been socially relevant; it is the brand of the group that will remain associated with mobility that revolutionizes everyone's life and impacts 'millions of people' even within Stellantis. Using a 'smart tone' doesn't mean being less aspirational. This is the colour I suggest keeping, close to people and genuine. 
It will be our future, but I think electric/hybrid cars will not be immediately accessible to everyone: an 'institutional communication' may sound elitist and distant. Keeping a 'smart and inspirational' tone is beneficial to the brand's general affection.
As for design, we can think of a clean treatment without headlines that are not typical of this platform. We can use them when the context requires it, but having the possibility of sharing cleaner images makes us get a higher treatment in terms of quality and perception.
65 Years
Today we're celebrating two memorable milestones: the New 500's best semester and the 65th anniversary of an icon of the Italian Dolce Vita. In the first half of 2022 (1), New Fiat 500 is the 3rd best-selling electric car in Europe: first in Germany (2) and Italy (3), and on the podium in France (4) and Spain (5). In the last two years, more than 100,000 of you have already chosen it, and since its launch, we have received 30 international awards in nine countries. Let's celebrate these victories together!
Happy Birthday 500 🥳
Publicis Sapient - Stellantis
Art Director Carlo Colombo | Vito Margiotta
Movie Maker Marco Pochetti
Social Media Manager Sofia Mazza | Fabrizio Stoppa
PM Francesca Nieddu
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